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Coraliss in Collinwood

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:50 pm

The member 'Coraliss Meara' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd20' : 9


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:00 pm

(just staying on the dog outside of combat doesn't require a check)

Merlan jumps on to the other dog and rides off with you into the woods. "Alright, so Willo's dad went missing in an opening about an hours ride ahead of here, it shouldn't be to hard to find. He however probably won't be there." He stares off into the forest and thinks to himself, letting his dog guide him through the tree's.


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:14 pm

(oookay then...but hey at least I had an idea of what to do.)
"Even if he is not there, I think we should start there. You never know he might have circled back and found the clearing again."

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:04 am

Merlan gives a smile. "Good point, maybe he's just sitting there playing a penny whistle or something." After an hour of riding you make it to the clearing and don't find anyone around. Merlan gets off of his dog and begins looking around, it was hard to do any sort of tracking. One because he had no tracking experience and second because the entire area was destroyed by the battle. He takes a deep breath and shouts. "Hey can anyone hear me?" He waits for a few seconds with no response. "Well it was worth a try. Do you have any ideas. Or do we just keep looking?"


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:43 am

"Well chances are if he ran away I would think that he might head towards water if he did not head back to the caravan. If he lost a fair amount of blood he would be thirsty."

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:26 am

Merlan looks around. yeah, that makes sense but uh..." He scratches his head and continues looking around the trees. "I have no idea how to tell my way to the water from here. Do you?"


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:02 pm

Coraliss looks at him with a surprised face "nope. Well then maybe our best bet would be to start making circles. We start here in the clearing and go out a few feet and walk in a circle and come back to the clearing, then go out farther and make a circle that again ends back in the clearing. That way we don't get lost, and we still cover the ground that he might have taken.

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:57 pm

"Good idea. Let's get started then shall we?" You ride off and make a circle then once more, Merlan says very little staying very concentrated looking for any sign of water or anything that he could use to help find Willo's dad. After doing your third circle you begin to hear the sound of running water. "You hear that, I think their is a rive nearby lets go!" He kness his dog in the direction of the river and takes off with excitement.


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:46 pm

Coraliss face palms and thinks to herself (stupid idiot) she takes some of her thread out of her pouch and breaks it into multiple strands, then quickly braids it into a noticeable length. She ties it between two trees so that it can be seen. She notes the direction that she is riding from the string towards the river. After that she follows him.

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:54 am

He continues running straight to the river kneeing his riding dog to go faster and faster. Then it slides to a stop on the edge of a gorge with a river running through it. He takes a deep breath and yells out. Hey, can anyone hear me?" The sound of the water crashing against rocks is to loud to hear a response even if their was one. He takes a few moments to look around. Then jumps off his riding dog and stands at the edge of the gorge for a moment. "You must be around here somewhere right?" He talks out loud to himself. Then he carefully starts down the side of the gorge.


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:34 am

Coraliss shakes her head and mumbles to herself "he is going to get us lost and killed" " Hey, wait up. We need to do this so we know how to get back!

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:50 am

He yells up the gorge at you. "Don't worry we won't get lost. I know exactly what I'm.." You hear a bunch of rocks sliding and a big splash. "I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry."


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:29 am

Coraliss worries. She begins to carefully pick her way down towards him at the bottom. Once at the bottom she looks him up and down, "Okay, we are down here now, so what is your plan?

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:46 am

Merlan is dripping wet when you see him. He begins to walk down the river. "Well if we assume that he's ear water. Maybe he tried to follow the river back to camp." He continues following it for a few minutes before turning back to you. "I have to say I'm pretty worried. Who knows what happened to him. We could walking in the wrong direction for all I know." He looks at the ground then back to the river and starts walking again. "Sorry about that, I let my worries control me for a second, We'll find him!"


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:34 pm

"Well, my though is that he cannot have gotten far...Coraliss stoops down and begins to gather some decent sized rocks and piles them up on top of each other making a balanced pile that looks man made (or gnome in this case). " If he found the river would not not have gone far...so perhaps we should walk for about ten minutes in this direction and then turn around and go the other way. I've marked this spot where we came down as best as I can so that we can find our way back...no good if we find him and are lost our selves.

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:13 pm

He shrugs his shoulders.  "Better to be lost with someone then alone right?" He puts his arms behind his head as he walks.  "But we'll stick to your plan for now." You continue walking for 10 minutes and don't find anything, after walking 10 minutes in the other direction you still don't find anything. Merlan sits down and looks out at the small river. "Well any other ideas before we start off in a random direction looking for him?"


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:26 am

I'm fresh out of ideas. I guess we just walk around.

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:34 am

As your talking a turtle walks into your small mound of rocks and tips it over (yes, it actually happens) Merlan looks down at the turtle then back to you. "Alright, I prefer blindly looking anyway. Makes it more likely to find him since he's blindly walking as well." He climbs back up and gets on his riding dog. "Lets go!"


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:47 pm

(you are a butt :p)
Coraliss gets on her dog and follows Merlan.

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:55 pm

run a spot check


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:45 pm

Spot check d20+2mod=7

Last edited by Coraliss Meara on Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:45 pm

The member 'Coraliss Meara' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd20' : 5


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:34 pm

You see Five feral squirrels jump out of a tree and start running at you and Merlan.  Merlan gets off his riding dog and picks up a nearby stick.  "I got this!"

squirrel initiative: +3 (9)
Merlan initiative: +3 (4)

Roll initiative:

Last edited by Valor on Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Valor Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:34 pm

The member 'Valor' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'd20' : 6


#2 'd20' : 1


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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

Post by Coraliss Meara Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:33 am

Initiative: +1 (20)

Last edited by Coraliss Meara on Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Coraliss Meara

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Coraliss in Collinwood - Page 6 Empty Re: Coraliss in Collinwood

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